It was an unfortunate occurrence, however, that I caught the flu while attending this workshop, so I wasn't able to reap all of the benefits it had to offer. For half of it, I was sneezing, coughing, blowing my nose and then while shooting for nearly 5 hours in chilly weather, I had to retreat to my hotel room where it took me three whole hours to thaw out. The other photographer's continued to work for several hours after my departure and I was unable to say my good-byes. Needless to say, I came back home with a high temperature and three continuous days of bed rest. Exciting times!
Thanks to my good friend Ray for taking care of me and making sure I had plenty of cough drops, water and food in my belly. Regardless of my illness, I had an enlightening experience and I can't wait to use some of the techniques that I learned. Here are a few of my favorites.

Model Liene Stevens of Blue Orchid Designs - Thank you Liene!

Model Jennifer Stein of Destination I Do and her infectious personality...Thank you Jennifer!