Update: The Gilstrap's delivered a beautiful baby boy (Luke) a week early. Christina's prediction was right on. Congrats to the new parents and big sis, Lexie. The Gilstrap's are expecting another baby! This time, it's a boy. Christina and Jeff are awaiting the arrival, in fact, the baby is due today. Alexus, their two-year-old, is excited to have a baby brother. They call her Lexie, and boy is she a cutie. She was so amazing to work with too. This girl is a natural. I am still stunned at how cooperative she was, and at TWO!!!! I am really looking forward to meeting the new addition.

Lexie with her favorite blankie.

Is that "Hello Kitty"? I think they are wearing the same colors.

Is that the blankie again?? Check out Lexie's cool tights! She's so stylish.

Lexie reading to Pup-Pup (her favorite stuffed animal).

I got to meet Tinker Bell! She's busy using her "magic" wand.

Tinker Bell looks like an angel.

Little Bro's room and some of his special things. He is so loved already! Christina was very organized. I wish I had taken a picture of the inside of her children's closets. Perfection!!!

Christina, chilling out in her new glider. These chairs are the best.

Checking out the belly.

He'll be here before we know it!

Christina is so radiant. She truly is glowing. They say that a woman pregnant with a boy is the most beautiful. Must be true.

Jeff, finally gets a partner in crime.
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