Pasadena was the setting for Lance and Kari's E-Session. It was unusually hot for March, so we had to make the best of it. I even enjoyed taking a tea break with them as we sampled a variety of tasty delights.
Lance is a music manager and Kari is a singing artist. How perfect is that! Check out her website...she is sensational.
I am really looking forward to photographing their wedding next month in the beautiful Laguna Beach.
The very talented designer, Kirstin Fox (of Castle Bride Couture) and I collaborated a photoshoot, using her one-of-a-kind headpieces.
During our photoshoot, we all cheated death that day...of course making the experience all the more exciting. The Salton Sea is a very odd and mysterious place, filled with characters that most of us couldn't even dream up. Because of our near death experience, we were forced to shoot at a less desirable location down the street from our location of choice. We ended up having 20 minutes to shoot the whole thing. Needless to say, while I am happy to be alive (along with the other girls), I am furious that we had next to no time to shoot. Having said that, I am pleased with the results, under the circumstances.
A note to other photographer's that wish to shoot at the Salton Sea...please bring a crowd of people with you for protection...preferably Men.
While visiting WPPI's trade show in Las Vegas this year, my friend Ray Soemarsono (of Apertura Photo) and I were itching for a shoot. We payed a visit to Red Rock Canyon to photograph my lovely associate photographer, Jennifer Daigle. She was so kind as to model for us in freezing cold weather. I'm sure you'll agree that she is a natural born model. These are some of my top favorites.
This first pic is hilarious, as Ray shows Jennifer how to strike a pose. I couldn't resist. I think Ray has another career ahead of him...perhaps the next Miss Jay of America's Next Top Model. HAHA!
Hannah will be celebrating her Bat Mitzvah in May. I photographed her sister's Bat Mitzvah a few years ago, and I cannot believe how much she has grown. She is a beautiful young lady now. It gets me all teary-eyed to think about it, because I am trying to savor every moment with my own daughter, and I see how quickly time flashes by. It's definitely an eye-opener.