Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The Grosso Family

My best friend and her familia headed up to the Claremont Colleges to take their 2007family portraits. We settled on Scripps College, which we believe is the most beautiful of them all. It's like being in New York during the Fall Season with the colorful leaves and crisp, cold air. I had fun chasing after the adorable twins, and little Miss Sophia just takes my breath away with her beauty. I think we have a model in the making. Lisa looked darling in her BCBG dress and cute bob haircut. Okay Steve, you looked great too! I hope you all enjoy some of my favorites of the one of the most vivacious families I know.

I love this picture! Look at those legs on Lisa. I guess being a professional dancer doesn't hurt at all...

...but, apparently it hurt Steve's back when I asked him to lift Lisa up. She had a good laugh, and I hear Steve is still feeling it. Sorry Steve!

I call the Grosso's "Party of Five"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Baby Doll:
The pictures of the Grosso family are exquisite. You are the best and I am so proud of you.

I love You with all my heart!