I love, love, love working with families!!! It's such an honor to be invited into their world and being allowed to document such intimate of moments. The Gilstrap's made me feel like part of their own family. We had so much fun working together. Baby Luke was born February 10, 2007 at 4:47pm. He weighed in at 8lbs., 3oz. and was born 21 inches long. As you can see, he is gorgeous! The whole family was glowing from excitement of their newest addition. Baby Luke is so loved. I think I made a good impression on him because midway through the photoshoot, he started to pose and smile right at ME!!!!

I told you he was looking at ME!!! How cute is he!!! This is his blue steel look. He's very, very good looking.

I'm boring him a little bit. Haha!!

He was messing with me, he really didn't fall asleep in the middle of our session. What a jokester.

Daddy is so proud. He is no longer outnumbered. He has his very own partner in crime.

This is a funny story...when I was taking pictures of Christina with Luke, Daddy (Jeff) kept coming in to check on us. He really wanted to be a part of the whole thing. Really, he just didn't want to part from Luke. Christina and I kept laughing every time Jeff poked his head in to watch. She confided in me that Jeff was a wonderful father. That was clear to see.

Christina took a break to feed Luke. He's a good little eater too.

Lexie is such a gentle and loving sister. I can tell that she is going to be a good protector.

Lexie with Mom's cool glasses. She is a ham.

This was so fun to watch. Lexie kept saying, "Again!" Dad collapsed on the floor shortly after.

Family time is the most precious time!

Congratulations Gilstrap Family!!!